Detailed chamber characteristics
21 Mar 2018





​​Chamber base pressure with active flow rate of xeno​n

The vacuum chamber has the following characteristics:

  • Dimensions: 2 m diameter x 4.5 m length main chamber and swing door with an isolatable (50 cm gate valve), smaller 0.75 m diameter x 1 m length loading chamber and swing door.
  • Two Coolpower 140T cryo compressors and two Coolpack 6000H 20K cold heads.
  • One Oerlikon Leybold MAG W 700 iP and two MAG W 2200 iP magnetically levitated turbopumps.
  • One Edwards XDS 35i and one Oerlikon Leybold LV140C roughing pump.
  • Interstage pumping between all main flanges and doors assure low leakage rates with double O-ring gasket system achieving ultimate vacuum of < 9x10-8mbar.
  • Graphite chevron closed loop water cooled target and 30 kW chiller unit for high energy ion beams.
  • Tempering unit for (100 deg C) heating for accelerated outgassing of target.
  • Heated (8 kW) stainless steel sacrificial liner for accelerated outgassing.
  • Transfer system to move a thruster from the loading chamber out into the main chamber and onto the centreline of the diagnostics arm.
  • 4 Pirani cold heads covering 5x10-9 mbar mbar to 1000 mbar.
  • The loading chamber is equipped with a temperature controllable inner shell with LN2 and IR emitters for ESA qualification compliant thermal cycling and qualification.
  • Hemispherical beam probe arm and diagnostics set for plume measurements, beam characterization, ion energy and thrust vector analysis.
  • Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH, model QMG 220 F2 residual gas analyzer and mass spectrometer with Quadera software.
  • Mettler Toledo high accuracy thrust balance for 0-500mN thrust measurement.
  • Ultimate vacuum of < 9x10-8mbar with operation <5.0x10-5 mbar with 28sccm xenon.

(full spectrum available on request)
