Kingston University London




Kingston University London is divided into five faculties with each faculty offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The University’s Space interests are encompassed within the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing (SEC) which was formed in 2011 to bring together the interdisciplinary research from eight Schools, encouraging partnerships between academia and commerce.

Kingston University London has an excellent suite of space facilities that are being developed and/or are currently online for launcher and in-space propulsion related research and development. The team is happy to work collaboratively with external academics and commercial users. Our current facilities include;

  • An indoor hybrid and bipropellant propulsion test facility
  • An 8m catapult micro-gravity drop tower
  • A machine learning propulsion laboratory
  • Future facilities Kingston University London hope to develop over the next five year
  • An electric propulsion vacuum test facility
  • A Tx/Rx (transmit and receive) satellite ground station (currently we only have a receive functionality)
  • A cleanroom for space flight assembly
  • A vibration table for launch and flight environmental testing
  • Current facilities will be available for bookings from September 2020 as they are undergoing refurbishment work presently.
